Flavors in Cantonese
脆卜卜 ceoi3 bok1 bok1 Crispy
Taste / Rasa | 味道 | mei⁶ tou⁶ |
Bitter / Pahit | 苦 | fu² |
Salty / Asin | 鹹 | haam⁴ |
Sour / Asam | 酸 | syun¹ |
Spicy / Pedas | 辣 | laat⁶ |
Sweet / Manis | 甜 | dim⁴ |
Expression About Flavor or Taste
hou² mei⁶tou⁶ | 好味道 | Good taste |
hou² mei⁶ | 好味 | Good Taste |
hou² sik⁶ | 好食 | Good to eat |
hou² yam² | 好飲 | Good to drink |
daai³ | 太 | Too |
m⁴ kau³ | 唔夠 | Not enough |
脆卜卜 ceoi3 bok1 bok1 Crispy
酸味味 syun1 mei6 mei6 sour; tart flavor
甜耶耶 tim4 je4 je4 too sweet
淡 daam6 mau mau tasteless
Cantonese Sentences :
ling⁴mung¹ hou² syun¹
Lemon are sour
ngo⁵ cung¹yi³ sik⁶ dim⁴ ye⁵
I like eating sweet food
ngo⁵ cung¹yi³ sik⁶ laat⁴ ye⁵
I like eating spicy food
ngo⁵ sai³ ko³ m⁴cung¹yu³ sik⁶ fu² kwaa
I wouldn't eat bitter melon when i was younger
ni¹ hap⁶ zyu¹gu¹lik¹ daai³ dim⁴
This box chocolate too sweet
li¹ko³ bing⁴ kwo² m³kau³ dim⁴
This apple not enough sweet
li¹ti¹ hoi² sin¹ mou⁵ mei⁶ tou⁶
These seafood not to have flavor
li¹ti¹ hoi² sin¹ m⁴kau³ mei⁶ tou⁶
These seafood not enough flavor
ngo⁵ kok³ tak¹ haa¹kau² hou² sik⁶ ti¹
I feel shrimp dumpling more delicious
How to Say Delicious in Cantonese
西瓜好好食 sai1 kwa1 hou hou sik6 | watermelon is delicious |
蛋撻好好味 taan6 taat1 hou hou mei6 | Egg tart is tasty |
漢堡包好食過點心 hon3 pou2 paau1 hou sik gwo6 dim2 sum1 | Hamburger is more delicious than Dim Sum |
朱古力雞蛋仔好味倒爆 zyu ku lik kai taan zai hou mei tou paau3 | Chocolate egg waffle is very delicious |
我阿媽煮飯煮得好好味 ngo a3 maa1 jyu2 faan6 jyu2 dak1 hou hou mei6 | My mum cooks deliciously |
香港嘅奶茶好好飲 hong kong ge laai5 jha4 hou hou yam2 | The milk tea of Hong Kong is tasty |
我鍾意飲好味嘅咖啡 ngo cungyu yam2 hou mei6 ge3 kaa3 fe1 | I like to drink coffee that is tasty |
Baca Juga :
1. Aneka Bumbu Dapur | 6. |
2. | 7. |
3. | 8. |
4. | 9. |
5. | 10. |
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Ma Ma Tei = Lumayan Yit = Panas Niun = Hangat Tung = Dingin Suk = Matang Mei Suk = Belum Matang Sang = Mentah Thai Ham = Keasinan M Kau Ham = Kurang Asin M Kau Dim = Kurang Manis |
Heung = Harum Chao = Basi Pin Mei = Bau Busuk Yau Lei = Berlemak Ngang = Keras Yun = Lembek Yun / Wat = Halus Ciu / Nong = Hangus Lan = Busuk |
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