佢重視工作多過屋企人 goi cung si kung cok to gwo uk gei yan | He values his job more than his family |
爸爸帶我去睇足球比賽 papa dai ngo hoi tai zuk kau bei coi | Father takes me to watch a soccer game |
佢唔單只係一個好老公, 仲係個好爸爸 goi m daan zi hai yat ko hou loukung, cung hai ko hou papa | He is not only a good husband, but also a great father |
我有兩個仔, 一個女 ngo yau loeng ko cai, yat ko loi | I have 2 sons and one daughter |
我同哥哥去公園玩 ngo dong koko hoi kung yun waan | My older brother and I go play in the park |
我成日同細老打交 ngo sing yat dong sai lou taa kaau | I always fight with my younger brother |
逢星期日,我都會去探我爺爺 fung singgei yat, ngo tou wui hoi taam ngo ye ye | I visit my grandmother every sunday |
佢好錫佢個孫子 goi hou sek3 goi ko syun1 cai2 | She loves her grandson so much |
佢媽媽係個教師 goi mama hai ko kaau3 si1 | His Mother is a teacher |
佢個女好靚 goi ko loi hou leng | Her daugther is very pretty |
呢個孫我妹妹 li ko hai ngo mui mui | This is my younger sister |
呢個孫我老公 li ko hai ngo lou kung | This is my Husband |
我的孫女今天回來了 ngo tik syun loi kam yat fan lei | My granddaughter is coming back today |
佢婆婆九十歲 goi bobo 90 seoi | His grandmother is 90 years old |
我公公九十三歲 ngo kungkung 93 seoi | My grandfather is 93 years old |
佢係小明嘅爸爸 geoi5 hai6 siu2 ming4 ge3 paa4 paa1 | He is the dad of Siu Ming |
佢係大明嘅小朋友 geoi5 hai6 Daai Ming ge3 siu2 bang4 yau5 | She is the kid of daai ming |
佢朋友係我哥哥 geoi5 bang5 yau5 hai6 ngo5 ko4 ko1 | Her friend is my brother |
我爸爸係老師 ngo5 paa4 paa1 hai6 lou5 si1 | My dad is a teacher |
What the meaning of this sentences ?
kung¹kung¹ yau⁵mou⁵ seng⁴yat⁶ faat³bei⁴hei³ aa³
Does your father-in-law lose his temper all the time ?
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