今天几号?(Jīntiān jǐ hào?)
- 今天是七月七号。
Jīntiān shì qī yuè qī hào.
Today is September 7.
- 今天是七号。
Jīntiān shì qī hào.
Today is the 7th.
今天几月几号?(Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?)
- 今天三月十五号。
Jīntiān sān yuè shí wǔ hào.
Today is March 15. - 今天是九月十号。
Jīntiān shì jiǔ yuè shí hào.
Today is September 10.
The following sentence examples will get you started.
- 今天七月三十一号,明天几月几号?
Jīntiān qī yuè sān shí yī hào, míng tiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?
It’s July 31 today, what’s the date tomorrow?
- 我的生日是三月十四号,也就是后天。
Wǒ de shēng rì shì sān yuè shí sì hào, yě jiù shì hòutiān.
My birthday is March 14, that’s the day after tomorrow.
- 每年十月一号是中国的国庆日。
Měi nián shí yuè yī hào shì Zhōngguó de Guóqìng rì.
The annual October 1 is China’s National Day.
- 我们学校九月一号开学。
Wǒmen xuéxiào jiǔ yuè yī hào kāixué.
Our school starts on September 1.
- 下月三号我要去台湾出差。
Xià yuè sān hào wǒ yào qù Táiwān chūchāi.
I’ll go to Taiwan on business on the third of next month.
- 我要订两晚酒店,四号和五号。
Wǒ yào dìng liǎng wǎn jiǔdiàn, sì hào hé wǔ hào.
I need to book a hotel for two nights, (for) the fourth and the fifth.
- 我从去年十月开始学中文。
Wǒ cóng qùnián shí yuè kāishǐ xué Zhōngwén.
I started learning Chinese last October.
- 林肯出生于一八零九年二月十二号。
Línkěn chūshēng yú yī bā líng jiǔ nián èr yuè shí èr hào.
Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809.
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