咩 / 乜嘢 = me¹ / mat¹ ye²
Contoh :
- mat¹ ye² aa³ ? 乜嘢呀?
What's up ? - mat¹ ye² hai⁶ oi³ cing⁴? 乜嘢係愛情?
What is love ? - lei⁵ hai² tou⁶ zou⁶ kan² me¹ aa¹ ? 你喺度做𡁵咩阿?What are you doing ?
幾多點 = kei² to¹ tim²
幾點鐘 = kei² tim² zung¹
幾點= kei² tim²
Contoh :
- yi¹ kaa¹ kei² (to¹) tim² aa³ ? 以家幾(多)點呀?
What time now ? - lei⁵ kei² tim² faan¹kung¹ ? 以家幾點返工?
What time you going work ? - lei⁵ kei² tim² sau¹kung¹ ? 以家幾點收工?
What time you finish work ? - lei⁵ kei² tim² zung¹ faan¹ hok⁶ aa³ ? 你幾點鐘返學呀?
What time do you go to school ?
幾時 = kei² si⁴
Contoh :
- lei⁵ kei² si⁴ tak¹ haan⁴ a¹ ? 你幾時得閒啊?
When will you be free ? - lei⁵ kei² si⁴ ceot¹ heoi³ a¹ ? 你幾時出去啊?
When will you go out ? - ngo⁵tei⁶ kei²si⁴ pun¹ san¹ uk¹ aa³ ?
Kapan kita pindah kerumah baru ? - lei⁵ kei² si⁴ heoi³ sik⁶ ngaan³ aa³ ? 你幾時出去呀?
When will you go to lunch ?
點解 = tim² kaai²
Contoh :
- tim² kaai² lei⁵ hoi¹ laang⁵ hei³ (kei¹) aa³ ? 點解你開冷氣機呀?
Why did you turn on the air conditioner ?
邊個 = pin¹ ko³
邊位 = pin¹ wai²
Contoh :
- lei⁵ hai⁶ pin¹ ko³ aa? 你係邊個呀?
Who are you ? - lei⁵ pin¹ wai² aa³? 你邊位呀?
Who are you ? - pin¹ko³ hai² ji³so²? 邊個喺廁所?
Who at toilet ? - pin¹ko³ fong³bei³? 邊個放屁?
Who at toilet ?
邊個嘅 = pin¹ ko³ ge³
邊位嘅 = pin¹ wai² ge³
Contoh :
- ni¹ zi¹ hai⁶ pin¹ ko³ ge³ bat¹ aa³ ? 呢支係邊個嘅筆呀?
Whose pen is this ? - ni¹ ko³ hai⁶ pin¹ ko³ ge³ ngan⁴ paau¹ aa³ ? 呢個係邊個嘅錢包呀?
Whose wallet is this ?
邊度 = pin¹ tou⁶
Contoh :
- lei⁵ yi¹ kaa¹ hai² pin¹ tou⁶ aa³ ? 你以家喺邊度呀?
Where are you now ? - pin¹ tou⁶ yau⁵ pou¹ zai² faan⁶ sik⁶ a¹ ? 邊度有煲仔飯食啊?
Where could we eat the clay pot rice ? - li¹ tou⁶ hai² pin¹ tou⁶ lai⁴ gaa³ ? 呢度喺邊度嚟㗎?
Where is this place ? - ji³ so² hai² pin¹ ? 廁所喺邊?
Where is the bathroom ? - pa¹ si² caam⁶ hai² pin¹ ? 巴士站喺邊?
Where is bus station ?
点样/點样 = tim² yoeng²
Contoh :
- tim² kong² aa³ ? 點講呀?
How to say ?
幾多 = kei² to¹
Contoh :
- li¹ ko³ kei² to¹ jin² aa³ ? 呢個幾多錢呀?
How much is it ? - lei⁵ maai⁵ zo² ko³ kei² to¹ hap⁶ zyu¹ ku¹ lik¹ aa³ ? 你買咗幾多盒朱古力呀?
How many boxes of chocolate have you bought ?
幾大 = kei² taai⁶
幾細 = kei² sai³
Contoh :
- lei⁵ soeng² maai⁵ kei² taai⁶ ge³ tin⁶ si⁶ kei¹ aa³ ?
How large of TV do you want to buy ?
...幾大 = kei² taai⁶
...幾多歲 = kei² to¹ seoi³
Contoh :
- lei⁵ kei² to¹ seoi³ aa³ ? 你幾多歲呀?
How old are you ?
...幾耐 = kei² noi⁶ / kei² loi⁶ (for time)
...幾長 = kei² joeng⁴ (for length)
Contoh :
- taap³ fo² je¹ yau⁴ hongkong tou³ pat¹ king¹ yiu³ kei² loi⁶ aa³ ?
How long does the train take from Hongkong to Beijing ? - yiu² tang² kei² noi⁶ aa³ ? 要等幾耐呀?
How long do you have to wait ?
DO YOU ...?
Do you have / Do you need / Do you want
你有冇...? = lei⁵ yau⁵ mou⁵ ... ?
你要唔要...? = lei⁵ yiu³ m⁴ yiu³ ...?
你想唔想...? = lei⁵ soeng² m⁴ soeng²...?
Contoh :
- lei⁵ yau⁵ mou⁵ iPad aa³ ? 你有冇iPad呀?
Do you have iPad ? - lei⁵ soeng² m⁴ soeng² sik⁶ syut³ kou¹ ? 你想唔想食雪糕?
Do you want ice cream ?
你介唔介意 = lei⁵ kaai³ m⁴ kaai³ yi³
Contoh :
- lei⁵ kaai³ m⁴ kaai³ yi³ ngo⁵ jo⁵ hai² ni¹ tou⁶ aa³ ?
Do you mind my sitting here ?
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