Mari Belajar Bahasa Kantonis Hongkong

Cari Kosakata

Ways to Say Thank You

Cara mengucapkan terimakasih dalam bahasa kantonis Hongkong

多謝 to¹ ce⁶

to¹ce⁶ adalah ucapan terima kasih karena telah diberi hadiah ataupun berupa :
  • Gifts (hadiah)
  • Compliment (pujian)
  • Advice (nasihat)
  • Money (uang)
  • Blessing's (berkah)
  • Treat (food / drink) (ditraktir)
  • Hospitality (keramahan)
  • Cooperation (kerjasama)
  • Custom / Business 
  • Big help (bantuan besar)
  • etc

唔該 m⁴ koi¹

m⁴ koi¹ secara harfiah artinya adalah tidak seharusnya. Tetapi juga memiliki arti yang lainnya yaitu :

1. Thank / Terima Kasih
  • Help (bantuan)
  • Service (layanan)
  • Borrowed things (dipinjami barang)
  • Friendly reminder (diingatkan)
  • Small favor (bantuan kecil)
  • When you get the change after paying
  • When someone holding the door open for you
  • When you droo something and someone picks it up for you

2. Excuse me / Permisi
  • Getting someone's attention 
  • When someone is in your way and you asking someone to move out of the way

3. Please

Test Your Cantonese

Jawablah contoh soal dibawah ini dengan tepat dan tulis jawabanmu di kolom komentar
  1. hou² ....... lei⁵, lei⁵ can¹hai⁶ hou² yan⁴.
    Terimakasih banyak, kamu orang yang baik.
  2. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  3. ....... ngo⁵ yiu³ to¹ yat¹ wun² faan⁶
    ....... 我要多一碗飯
    Saya ingin semangkuk nasi ekstra
  4. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  5. saang¹ yat⁶ fai³ lok⁶
    Selamat ulang tahun
  6. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  7. lei⁵ mat⁶ sung³ pei² lei⁵ ge⁴
    Hadiah untukmu
  8. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  9. .......lei⁵ fen⁶ lei⁵ mat⁶.
    Terima kasih untuk hadiahnya.
  10. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  11. ....... lei⁵ pong¹sau² hoi¹ tang¹
    ....... 你幫手開燈
    Help turn on the lights
  12. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  13. (.......) saai³ lei⁵ pong¹ ngo⁵ aa³
    (.......) 晒你幫我啊。
    Thank you for helping me
  14. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  15. hou² (.........) nei⁵ sung³ fen⁶ lei⁵ mat⁶ sung³ pei² ngo⁵
    好(.........) 你送份禮物俾我
    Thank you for giving me that present
  16. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  17. hou² (.........) nei⁵ gau³ zo² ngo³ tiu⁴ meng⁶
    好(.........) 你救咗我條命啊
    Thank you for saving my life
  18. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  19. (.......) !  maai⁴ taan¹ aa¹!
    (.......) 埋單吖 !
    I would to pay the bill
  20. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  21. (.......) ni¹ tou⁶ yau⁵ mou⁵ yan⁴ jo⁵ gaa³ ?
    (.......) 呢度有冇人坐㗎?
    In this seat occupied 
  22. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  23. coming soon

How to Response 

唔駛客氣 m4 sai2 haak3 hei3 No need to be polite
Your welcome

The original meaning of “m4 goi1” is “I should not bother you, but I need you to do me a favour...”
There’re 3 usages of “m4 goi1”:
1. Excuse me~

3. Thanks for your help/service/assistance.

唔該 vs. 唔該晒
多謝 vs. 多謝晒
辛苦 vs. 辛苦晒

晒 saai³

meaning: completely, fully, very much. 
食晒 = eat/finish all the food, 
睇晒 = read/finish whole book, or whole series (all episodes);

唔該晒 = thanks a lots,
       thank you very much!

多謝晒 = thanks a lots,
       thank you very much

明白 = understand/understood 
明白晒 = fully understood 
There are 3+ more ways to say thanks in Cantonese:
唔該晒 m4 goi1 saai3 = thanks for your help/service 
多謝晒 do1 je6 saai3 = thanks for your gift, compliment 
有心 yau5 sam1 = thanks for your care
辛苦晒 san1 fu2 saai3 = thanks for your hard work

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