過 would mean it was past tense in a more lengthy period of time, while 咗 would be for more recent events.
過[gwo3] is used to indicate an action has to be carried out again
過唔到 (I cant get past)
過 is saying you have done something before in the past (i.e. in your entire life time. For example 你有冇去過中國呀 "have you ever been to China?".
咗[zo2] can be used to indicate an action has been completed.
I went to OP yesterday.
(Simple Past Tense)
e.g. 我以前去過海洋公園。
I had been to OP before.
(Perfect/Past Experience)
過[gwo3] is used to indicate an action has to be carried out again
我再買過部電話 ngo zoi3 maai5 gwo3 bou6 tinwa | I bought a phone again |
我會同佢一齊再做過份報告 ngo wui dong goi yatjai zoi3 zou6 gwo3 fan6 bou3 gou3 | I will do the report with him again |
阿媽重新洗過啲碗 a3 maa1 cung1 san1 sai2 gwo3 di1 wun2 | My mum washed those dishes again |
我朋友想再學過揸車 ngo bangyau soeng2 zoi3 hok6 gwo3 caa1 je1 | My friend want to learn driving again |
我為咗女朋友想重新學過廣東話 ngo wai4 zo2 loi bangyau soeng cung4 san1 hok gwo3 kong tung waa | I want to learn Cantonese again for my girlfriend |
過 is saying you have done something before in the past (i.e. in your entire life time. For example 你有冇去過中國呀 "have you ever been to China?".
咗[zo2] can be used to indicate an action has been completed.
上個星期我去咗市場 | I went to the market last week |
所有嘢都結束咗. | Come3 |
我食咗飯 ngo sik6 zo2 faan6 | I have eaten the meal |
我做咗功課 ngo zou6 zo2 kung1 fo3 | I have done the homework |
我做咗家務 ngo zou6 zo2 gaa1 mou6 | I have done the housework |
我做咗運動 ngo zou6 zo2 wan6 tung6 | I have done the housework |
cyu1 cai2 fen3 zo2 kaau3 | The piggy has slept |
工人姐姐買咗餸 kungyan cece mai zo2 sung3 | The maid has done grocery |
廚師煮咗嘢食 cyu4 si1 zyu2 zo2 ye5 sik6 | The chief has cooked some food |
我畫咗畫 ngo waak6 zo2 waa2 | I have painted a painting |
佢結咗婚 goi5 kit3 zo2 fan1 | She has gotten married |
I went to OP yesterday.
(Simple Past Tense)
e.g. 我以前去過海洋公園。
I had been to OP before.
(Perfect/Past Experience)
未[mei6] means "not yet" you cannot use both 未 and 咗 in the same sentence due to their contradicting meaning.
冇[mou5] means "not"
未[mei6] would give out nuance of which even that action is not done yet, and it may be done in the future. Meanwhile, sentences contructed with 冇 is more neutral and plain
我冇殺人 ngo mou5 saat3 yan4 | I did not kill anyone |
我未殺人 ngo mei6 saat3 yan4 | I have not killed anyone yet |
Baca Juga :
1. | 6. |
2. | 7. |
3. | 8. |
4. | 9. |
5. | 10. |
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