Mari Belajar Bahasa Kantonis Hongkong

Cari Kosakata

Waktu / Jam

  • How to tell time in Cantonese
soeng⁶ cau³上晝AM
haa⁶ cau³下晝PM
pun³half past
pun³ ko³ cung¹ 半個鐘half an hour
cung¹ dau⁴鐘頭hour
fen¹ cung¹分鐘minute
ko³ ci⁶個字kelipatan 5 menit
taap⁶step of number
miu⁵seconds; detik

 example :
9:30kau tim pun
5:03em tim leng sam fen
4:10se tim sap fen
6:45lok tim se sap em fen
01.00yat tim cung
02.07liong tim jat fencung
04.30 se tim pun/ se tim sam sap fencung
05.45em tim kau koci/ em tim se sap em fencung
06.10lok tim sap fencung/ lok tim yi/ lok tim liong koci
07.50jat tim em sap fencung/ jat tim tap sap

sam tim sap em fen
sam si sap em fen
sam tim sam koci
sam tim taap sam
sam tim sam
sam tim yat ko kwat

seung ng
seung cau
ciu cou
ciu dau cou
haa cau
haa ng
ngaan cau
ye maan
maan hak
night / Malam
ling san
pun ye
Tengah malam
PreviousComing SoonNext

Contoh :

而家幾點 ?
yi⁴ ka¹ kei² tim² ?
What time is it ?

你知唔知幾點呀 ?
lei⁵ zi¹ m⁴ zi¹ kei² tim² aa³ ?
Do you know the time ?

m⁴hou²yi³si¹ ,kam¹yat⁶ ngo⁵ m⁴ kei³tak¹ taai3 biu¹
I'm sorry, I forgot my watch today

fo²je¹ em⁵ fen¹cung¹ hau⁶ zau⁶ lei⁴ laa³
The train is coming in five minutes.

  1. kamyat ngo soeng dung taika fan hoeng ha today, i'd like to share with everyone
  2. ngo yat soeng ge sang wut cing zeoi My daily routine
  3. ngo taai yeok jat tim cung hei san i get up at about 7:00 am
  4. cihau ngo heoi jung loeng jaat ngaa dungmai sik cou jaan then i go shower
  5. pak tim cung ngo lei⁴ hoi uk gei at 8.00 i leave home
  6. pak tim pun soeng dong at 8.30 am, i go to class
  7. cung¹ ng⁵ sik⁶ ngaan² At noon i eat lunch
  8. saam tim pun fong hok 3.30 pm, i get off school
  9. fonghok cihau after getting off school ngo dung dong hok yat jai cou kungfo i do homework with my classmate
  10. ng tim pun ngo fan ukgei at 5.30 pm i return home
  11. luk tim pun ngo dong ukgeiyan yat jai sik fan
  12. sik yun fan cihau after eating dinner ngotei yatjai dai hei wace deng yam ngok
  13. yausi ngotei wui zuk kei something we play go wace waan yau hei kei or play video game
  14. kau tim pun ngo hoiji zeon bei heoi fen kau at 9.30 pm i start getting ready to sleep 
  15. sap tim cung ngo soeng cong fenkau i get into bed and sleep

  16. 下晝三點之前嚟呢度
    haa⁶cau³ saam¹ tim² ci¹jin⁴ lei⁴ li¹tou⁶
    Datang ke sini sebelum jam 3.00 sore

  17. 下晝三點之後嚟呢度
    haa⁶cau³ saam¹ tim² ci¹hau⁶ lei⁴ li¹tou⁶
    Datang ke sini setelah jam 3.00 sore

Today we are going to introduce commonly used words that are used to different time periods of a day. 

【Sunrise to noon / Morning】: ziu1 (tau4) zou2 朝(頭)早 / soeng6 zau3 上晝
【Noon】: zung1 ng5 中午 / zing3 ng5 正午
【Noon to sunset / Afternoon】: haa6 zau3 下晝 / aan3 zau3 晏晝
【Approaching sunset】: aai1 maan1 挨晚 / wong4 fan1 黃昏
【Sunset to midnight / Evening】: je6 maan5 夜晚 
【In the middle of the night】: bun3 je2 半夜
【Midnight to sunrise】: ling4 san4 凌晨

Please note that although the above definitions are widely adopted, they are not absolute. For example, what time "aai1 maan1" starts may depend on season and personal perception. And "bun3 je2" and "ling4 san4" are often used interchangeably. 

Below are some example usages of the time words: 

1. ngo5 zung1 ji3 ziu1 zou2 heoi3 saan3 bou6.
 (I) (like)  (morning) (go) (have a walk)
 I like to go for a walk in the morning.

2. ngo5 dei6 aan3 zau3 gei2 dim2 hoi1 wui2 aa3?
 (We)    (afternoon)  (what time)(have meeting)(PARTICLE)
 What time do we have the meeting in the afternoon?

3. Keoi5 sing4 jat6 bun3 je2 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 ngo5.  
 (S/he)(always)(in the middle of the night)(dial phone)(to)(me)
 S/he always phones me in the middle of the night.

Baca Juga :
1. Hari Bulan Tahun 6. Angka 
2. Cara Bertanya7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

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