Different of 講,話,問

 How to ask people to say again

🇭🇰 lei⁵ ho² m⁴ ho²yi⁵ kong² maan⁶ ti¹ ?
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Can you speak slowly ?
🇮🇩 Bisakah kamu bicara perlahan ?

🇭🇰 lei⁵ kong² tak¹ daai³ faai³
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 you spoke too fast
🇮🇩 Anda berbicara terlalu cepat

🇭🇰 lei⁵ ho² m⁴ ho²yi⁵ kong² to¹ ji³ ?
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Can you say that again ?
🇮🇩 Bisakah kamu mengatakan itu lagi ?

🇭🇰 me¹ waa⁶ ?  咩話
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 what ? __🇮🇩 apa ?

🇭🇰 lei⁵ kong² me¹ waa⁶ ?  你講咩話 ?
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 What did you say ?
🇮🇩 Apa yang kamu katakan ?

Baca Juga :

Belanja 買餸

買餸 maai⁵ sung³ terdiri dari 2 kata yaitu :
  • maai⁵ artinya membeli / beli sesuatu, to buy, to purchase 
  • sung³ artinya hidangan makanan (biasanya hidangan yang bisa dimakan dengan nasi)
jadi 買餸 maai⁵ sung³ artinya :
  1. to do groceries (untuk berbelanja bahan makanan)
  2. buy some take out (membeli sesuatu untuk dibawa pergi atau pulang)

kam¹yat⁶ ngo⁵tei⁶ heoi³ kaai¹si⁵ maai⁵sung³
today we go to wet market to do grocery

Baca Juga : 

Feeling Sick

 Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat ketika kamu merasa sakit ataupun saat kamu sakit :

  1. leoi², lei⁵ hai⁶ m⁴ hai⁶ m⁴ si¹fuk⁶ aa³ ? Daughter, are you not well 
  2. ngo⁵ m⁴ si¹ fuk⁶ aa³ I'm not feeling well
  3. ngo⁵ yiu³ sik⁶ yeok⁶ i need to take medicine
  4. ngo⁵ yiu³ taai³ lei⁵ heoi³ dai² yi¹ sang¹ aa³ i have to take you to see the doctor 
  5. ngo⁵ peng⁶ zo² aa³ i got sick
  6. faai³ ti¹ hou² faan¹ naa³ get better quickly
  7. lei⁵ yau⁵ mou⁵ hou² ti¹ aa³ ? do you feel better 
  8. ngo⁵ hou² ti¹ laa³ i feel better

Belanja (Cantonese Conversation)

Perkacapan bahasa hongkong - Kantonis untuk berbelanja
warna : Orang ke-1
warna : Orang ke-2
warna : Orang ke-3

Percakapan Kantonis 1

HKG 嘩!好多人啊!今日唔係假期,但係點解呢度都係咁多人呢?
waa! hou²to¹ yan⁴ a³! kam¹yat⁶ m⁴hai⁶ kaa³gei⁴, tan⁶hai⁶ tim²kai² li¹to⁶ to¹hai⁶ kem³to¹ yan⁴ leh ?
waa! banyak orang! hari ini bukan hari libur, tapi kenapa disini juga banyak orang ?

HKG 因為有間新鋪頭開張
yan¹wai⁶ yau⁵ kaan¹ san¹ bou³dau² hoi¹zeong¹
karena ada toko baru dibuka

HKG 不如過去睇下好唔好?
bat¹yu4 kwo³heoi³ dai²haa³ hou² m⁴hou² ?
Bagaimana kalau pergi dan melihatnya

HKGhou²  Baik

lei⁵ dai² haa³, li⁴ pou⁶ soeng³kei¹ can¹hai⁶ hou² beng⁴
look at this, this camera is so cheap

係呀,架相機真係好平,聽講呢架相機d 評好好,好多人話架相機影啲相影得好好。
hai⁶ aa³, ga soeng³kei¹ can¹hai⁶ hou² beng⁴, deng¹kong² li⁴kaa² soeng³kei¹ di¹ bing⁴ hou²hou², hou²to¹ yan⁴ waa² kaa³ soeng³kei¹ ying² di¹ soeng³ ying² tak¹ hou²hou².
yeah, the camera is really inexpensive, I heard from a lot of people that it's good, a lot of people said that it take good pictures。

ngo⁵ soeng² yiu³ li⁴ kaa²
I want this one 

mou⁴ man⁶ dai⁴
no problem

有冇架新? 我唔想要demo機。
yau⁵ mou⁵ kaa³ san¹ ? ngo⁵ m⁴ soeng² yiu³ demo kei¹.
Do you have a new one ? I don't want the demo

冇 mou⁵ not have

ngo⁵ m⁴ yiu³ laa³ 
I don't want it then

Baca juga :


Aksesoris dalam bahasa kanton

keng² kan¹頸巾Scarf / Syal
mou²Hat / Topi
sau² dou³手套Glove / Sarung tangan
wun² biu¹腕表
Wristwatch / Jam tangan
ngaan⁵ keng²眼鏡Eyeglasses / Kacamata
bei⁴ taai²皮帶Belt / Sabuk
yi⁵ waan²耳環Earring / Anting²
yi¹ kaa²衣架
Hanger / Hanger
jyu⁵ saan³雨傘Umbrella / Payung
keng² kan¹頸巾Scarf / Syal
keng² kan¹頸巾Scarf / Syal

頸鍊 keng² lin² necklace

Macam - Macam Sepatu

haai⁴Sepatu / Shoes
to haai⁴
kou¹ zaang¹ haai⁴高踭鞋
High heels
po¹ haai⁴波鞋
Running shoes
bei⁴ haai⁴皮鞋Sepatu kulit
bing⁴ tai² haai⁴平底鞋Sepatu flat

太陽眼鏡 (n)
taai3 joeng4 ngaan5 geng2

Toilet in Cantonese

Toilet in Cantonese: 廁所 [ci3 so2]

There are two ways to say toilet in Cantonese. The first word to use is 廁所 [ci3 so2].

ni¹dou⁶ zeoi³ gan⁵ ge³  ji³so² hai²pin¹ aa³?
Di mana toilet terdekat dari sini ?

laam⁴ ji³ hai² yi⁶ lau²,leoi⁵ ji³ hai² saam¹ lau²。
Men’s toilet is in 2nd floor, women’s toilet is in 3rd floor.

jat6 bun2 di1 ci3 so2 tung1 soeng4 dou1 hou2 gon1 zeng6。
Toilets in Japan are usually clean.

Toilet in Cantonese: 洗手間 [sai2 sau2 gaan1]

Another way to say toilet in Cantonese is 洗手間 [sai2 sau2 gaan1].

This word literally means “place to wash hands”, which 洗 [sai2] means wash, 手 [sau2] means hand and 間 [gaan1] means a place.

ni1 dou6 zeoi3 kan5 ge3 sai2 sau2 gaan1 hai2 bin1 aa3?
Where is the closest toilet from here?

jat6 bun2 di1 sai2 sau2 gaan1 tung1 soeng4 dou1 hou2 gon1 zeng6。
Toilets in Japan are usually clean.

heoi3 jyun4 sai2 sau2 gaan1 gei3 dak1 jiu3 sai2 sau2 aa3。
Remember to wash your hands after you have been to toilet.

Baca Juga :

Conjunction (Cantonese Test)

How to use Conjunction and Connector in Cantonese

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan tepat dan tulis jawabanmu dikolom komentar

  1. She like playing very much, and she like sleeping very much too.
    goi hou cungyi waan, ....... goi hou cungyi fenkau.
    佢好鍾意玩,....... 佢好鍾意瞓覺。
    A. 同埋 dung4 maai5 C. 同 dung
    B. 仲有 cung6 yau5D. 所以 so2 yi5

  2. Kamu bisa menggunakan octopus card atau coin.
    lei⁵ ho²yi³ yung⁶ paat³taat⁶ dung¹, ....... saan² zi².
    你可以用八達通....... 散子。
    A. 同埋 dung4 maai5 C. 或者 waak⁶ ze²
    B. 仲有 cung6 yau5D. 所以 so2 yi5

  3. We may go to eat, or to watch a movie.
    ngotei hoyi heoi sik faan, ....... heoi dai hei.
    我哋可以去食飯,....... 去睇戲。
    A. 同埋 dung4 maai5 C. 或者 waak6 ze2
    B. 仲有 cung6 yau5D. 定 ting5

  4. Try some stinky tofu, maybe you will like it.
    si³haa⁶ cau³ tau⁶fu⁶ laa, ....... lei⁵ wui³ cung¹yi³ ne..
    試下臭豆腐啦,....... 你會鍾意呢。
    A. 同埋 dung4 maai5 C. 或者 waak6 ze2
    B. 仲有 cung6 yau5D. 定 ting5

  5.  ....... egg tarts nya sangat murah, saya akan beli selusin
     ....... ti¹ taan⁶taat¹ hou²beng⁴, ngo⁵ zau⁶ maai⁵ yat¹ taa¹
     ....... 啲蛋撻好平,我就買一打
    A. 如果 yu⁴ kwo²C. 或者 waak6 ze2
    B. 仲有 cung6 yau5D. 所以 so2 yi5

  6. if there's no cold lemon tea, i will get cold milk tea
     ....... mo² tung³ling²jaa⁴, ngo⁵ zau⁶ yiu³ tung³nai⁵jaa⁴ la
     ....... 無凍檸茶,我就要凍奶茶啦
    A. 如果 yu⁴ kwo²C. 同 dung
    B. 仲有 cung6 yau5D. 所以 so2 yi5

  7. Coming soon
Baca Juga : 

Beach in Cantonese

Pantai dalam bahasa kanton

Vocabulary at Beach
Beach / Pantai海灘hoi² taan¹
Sand / Pasirsaa¹
Coast海岸hoi² ngon⁶
Seaside海邊hoi² pin¹
Rock pools石池sek⁶ ci⁴
Seashell海貝hoi² pui³
Beach海灘hoi² taan¹
Beach海灘hoi² taan¹
Beach海灘hoi² taan¹
Beach海灘hoi² taan¹

kau³ sang¹ yun⁴救生員Lifeguard 

Beach Building
tang¹ taap³燈塔Lighthouse 

Beach Suits
wing⁶ yi¹泳衣Swimsuit
bei² gei¹ nei⁴比基尼Bikini
wing⁶ fu³泳褲Swim Trunks
wing⁶ keng³泳鏡Swimming Goggles
daai³ yoeng⁴ mou²太陽帽Sun hat
daai yoeng ngan keng太陽眼鏡Sunglasses
yan⁴ zi⁶ to¹人字拖
Flip flops / Sandal
saa¹ taan¹ kan¹沙灘巾Beach towel

Activity at Beach

saai³ daai³ yoeng⁴曬太陽Sunbathing / Berjemur
fei¹ dip²飛碟Frisbee 
saa¹ taan¹ po¹沙灘波Beach ball
saa daan baai⁴ gau⁴沙灘排球Beach Volleyball
yau⁴ seoi²游水Swimming
waat⁶ long⁶滑浪
fau⁴ cim⁴浮潛Snorkeling 
jet ski
seoi soeng tintanje 
fung¹ zang¹ watlong風箏滑浪Kitesurfing 
watlong fung faan⁴滑浪风帆
waat⁶ seoi²滑水Water skiing

Suncream太陽油daai³ yoeng⁴ yau⁴
get sunburnt曬黑saai³ hak¹
get sunburnt曬傷
saai³ soeng¹
Suncream太陽油daai³ yoeng⁴ yau⁴

Beach Accessory
Beach Umbrella 沙灘遮saa¹ taan¹ ze¹ 
Beach Chair 沙灘椅saa¹ taan¹ yi2

bucket / Ember 桶 dung²
spade / sekop 鏟⧸剷 jaan²
sandcastle 沙堡 saa¹ pou²

Cantonese Phrase and Sentences 

ni¹ kaan¹ zau²tim³ hou² gan⁶ saa¹taan¹
This hotel is very near to the beach

heoi³ saa¹taan¹ kei³tak¹ taai³ daai³ yeong⁴ ngan⁵ keng²
Remember bring your sunglasses when going to the beach

daai³yoeng⁴ lok⁶ saan¹ laa³
The sun is setting

Baca Juga :

Question Words


咩 / 乜嘢 = me¹ / mat¹ ye² 
Contoh :
  1. mat¹ ye² aa³ ?  乜嘢呀?
    What's up ?
  2. mat¹ ye² hai⁶ oi³ cing⁴?  乜嘢係愛情?
    What is love ?
  3. lei⁵ hai² tou⁶ zou⁶ kan² me¹ aa¹ ? 你喺度做𡁵咩阿?What are you doing ?


幾多點 = kei² to¹ tim² 
幾點鐘 = kei² tim² zung¹
幾點= kei² tim²
Contoh :
  1. yi¹ kaa¹ kei² (to¹) tim² aa³ ?  以家幾(多)點呀?
    What time now ?
  2. lei⁵ kei² tim² faan¹kung¹ ?  以家幾點返工?
    What time you going work ?
  3. lei⁵ kei² tim² sau¹kung¹ ?  以家幾點收工?
    What time you finish work ?
  4. lei⁵ kei² tim² zung¹ faan¹ hok⁶ aa³ ?  你幾點鐘返學呀?
    What time do you go to school ?


幾時 = kei² si⁴
Contoh :
  1. lei⁵ kei² si⁴ tak¹ haan⁴ a¹ ? 你幾時得閒啊?
    When will you be free ?
  2. lei⁵ kei² si⁴ ceot¹ heoi³ a¹ ? 你幾時出去啊?
    When will you go out ?
  3. ngo⁵tei⁶ kei²si⁴ pun¹ san¹ uk¹ aa³ ? 
    Kapan kita pindah kerumah baru ?

  4. lei⁵ kei² si⁴ heoi³ sik⁶ ngaan³ aa³ ? 你幾時出去呀?
    When will you go to lunch ?


點解 = tim² kaai²
Contoh :
  1. tim² kaai² lei⁵ hoi¹ laang⁵ hei³ (kei¹) aa³ ? 點解你開冷氣機呀?
    Why did you turn on the air conditioner ?


邊個 = pin¹ ko³
邊位 = pin¹ wai²
Contoh : 
  1. lei⁵ hai⁶ pin¹ ko³ aa? 你係邊個呀?
    Who are you ?
  2. lei⁵ pin¹ wai² aa³? 你邊位呀?
    Who are you ?
  3. pin¹ko³ hai² ji³so²? 邊個喺廁所?
    Who at toilet ?
  4. pin¹ko³ fong³bei³? 邊個放屁?
    Who at toilet ?


邊個嘅 = pin¹ ko³ ge³
邊位嘅 = pin¹ wai² ge³
Contoh :
  1. ni¹ zi¹ hai⁶ pin¹ ko³ ge³ bat¹ aa³ ? 呢支係邊個嘅筆呀?
    Whose pen is this ?
  2. ni¹ ko³ hai⁶ pin¹ ko³ ge³ ngan⁴ paau¹ aa³ ? 呢個係邊個嘅錢包呀?
    Whose wallet is this ?


邊度 = pin¹ tou⁶
Contoh :
  1. lei⁵ yi¹ kaa¹ hai² pin¹ tou⁶ aa³ ? 你以家喺邊度呀?
    Where are you now ?
  2. pin¹ tou⁶ yau⁵ pou¹ zai² faan⁶  sik⁶ a¹ ? 邊度有煲仔飯食啊?
    Where could we eat the clay pot rice ?
  3. li¹ tou⁶ hai² pin¹ tou⁶ lai⁴ gaa³ ? 呢度喺邊度嚟㗎?
    Where is this place ?
  4. ji³ so² hai² pin¹ ? 廁所喺邊?
    Where is the bathroom ? 
  5. pa¹ si² caam⁶ hai² pin¹ ? 巴士站喺邊?
    Where is bus station ? 


点样/點样 = tim² yoeng²
Contoh : 
  1. tim² kong² aa³ ? 點講呀?
    How to say ?


幾多 = kei² to¹
Contoh : 
  1. li¹ ko³ kei² to¹ jin² aa³ ? 呢個幾多錢呀?
    How much is it ?
  2. lei⁵ maai⁵ zo² ko³ kei² to¹ hap⁶ zyu¹ ku¹ lik¹ aa³ ? 你買咗幾多盒朱古力呀?
    How many boxes of chocolate have you bought ? 


幾大 = kei² taai⁶
幾細 = kei² sai³
Contoh :
  1. lei⁵ soeng² maai⁵ kei² taai⁶ ge³ tin⁶ si⁶ kei¹ aa³ ?
    How large of TV do you want to buy ?


...幾大 = kei² taai⁶
...幾多歲 = kei² to¹ seoi³
Contoh :
  1. lei⁵ kei² to¹ seoi³ aa³ ? 你幾多歲呀?
    How old are you ?


...幾耐 = kei² noi⁶ / kei² loi⁶ (for time)
...幾長 = kei² joeng⁴ (for length)
Contoh :
  1. taap³ fo² je¹ yau⁴ hongkong tou³ pat¹ king¹ yiu³ kei² loi⁶ aa³ ? 
    How long does the train take from Hongkong to Beijing  ?
  2. yiu² tang² kei² noi⁶ aa³ ? 要等幾耐呀?
    How long do you have to wait ?

DO YOU  ...?

Do you have / Do you need / Do you want 
你有冇...? = lei⁵ yau⁵ mou⁵ ... ?
你要唔要...? = lei⁵ yiu³ m⁴ yiu³ ...?
你想唔想...? = lei⁵ soeng² m⁴ soeng²...?

Contoh :
  1. lei⁵ yau⁵ mou⁵ iPad aa³ ? 你有冇iPad呀?
    Do you have iPad ?
  2. lei⁵ soeng² m⁴ soeng² sik⁶ syut³ kou¹ ? 你想唔想食雪糕?
    Do you want ice cream ?


你介唔介意 = lei⁵ kaai³ m⁴ kaai³ yi³
Contoh : 
  1. lei⁵ kaai³ m⁴ kaai³ yi³ ngo⁵ jo⁵ hai² ni¹ tou⁶ aa³ ? 
    Do you mind my sitting here  ?

Baca Juga :
2. All Kalimat InterviewCome3

Greeting in Cantonese

Greeting merupakan sebuah ungkapan yang biasanya digunakan oleh seseorang untuk melakukan tegur sapa atau salam dengan orang lain.

Ketika kalian akan melakukan greeting untuk menyapa dan memberi salam kepada orang lain, kalian dapat menggunakan ucapan-ucapan berikut ini :

nei⁵ hou² (你好)

Hi! / Hello!

zou² san⁴ (早晨)

Selamat Pagi 

sik zo faan mei a ? (食咗飯未呀)


Ryan 早晨
Ryan zou² san⁴
Ryan Good Morning

zou² san⁴ aa¹ Ryan
Good Morning Ryan

fong¹ saang¹, fong¹ daai³, zou² san⁴
Mr. Fong, Mrs Fong, Good Morning

Baca Juga :

Food in Cantonese

Japanese food
Eel Rice 鰻魚飯 maan4 jyu4 faan4
Sashimi 魚生 jyu4 saang1
Sashimi rice 魚生飯 jyu4 saang1 faan6
Sushi 壽司 sau4 si1

Italian food
Pasta 意份 yi3 fen2
Pasta 意大利份 yi3 taai6 lei6 fen2
Macaroni / rigatoni 通心份 dung1 sam1 fen2
fettuccine 寬條麵 fun1 diu4 min6
fusilli 螺絲份 lo4 si1 fen2
screw 螺絲 lo4 si1
shellfish 螺 lo4
Pizza 意大利薄餅 yi3 taai3 lei6 pou6 peng2
Spaghetti 意大利粉 yi3 taai3 lei6 fen2
Spaghetti 意粉 yi3 fen2

Tindak Kejahatan

偷嘢 dau1 ye5 Mencuri sesuatu / to steal something


Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini artikan kedalam bahasa Indonesia dan tulis jawabanmu pada kolom komentar


Baca Juga :


Kumpulan soal berbasaha kantonis hongkong
Pilihlah Jawaban dengan tepat dan tulis jawabanmu dikolom komentar


Baca Juga :

San1 fu2 辛苦

Cantonese adjective 
expression with 辛苦 san1 fu2

tai lik deoi laa
push hard

canhai hou sanfu, mou sai lik laa
It's really hard, I have no energy left

tuk syu san m sanfu a ?
It studying hard ?

hou kwai sei sanfu a
It is extremely Hard

yat1 ti1 tou1 m4 san1 fu2
It's not hard at all

yan2 tak1 hou2 san1 fu2 aa3
It's just to hard to bear

San1 fu2 saai3!
Thanks for your HARD work


Rain in Cantonese Vocabulary 
Untuk hujan penulusan jyutping yaitu jyu5 (tone 5) dan pengucapannya bisa yu atau yi.

jyu5Hujan / Rain
lok6 jyu5落雨Hujan / To Rain
lok6 taai6 jyu5落大雨Hujan Deras / Pouring Rain
hou2 taai6 jyu5好大雨Hujan sangat Deras

Hujan Badai

fung¹Wind / Angin
taai¹ fung¹大風Strong wind / Badai
hung⁴ sik¹ fung¹紅色風Red Storm / Badai merah
fung¹ gau⁴風球Typhoon / Topan

Bencana / Disaster 

seoi2 cam3水浸Banjir / Flooding

kam¹ciu¹ hou² taai⁶ yu⁵
This morning very heavy rain

yanwai kamyat lok yu, soyi ngotei m hoyi jut heoi waan⁴
Because of rainy today, we can't go out to play

cam⁴maan⁵ lok⁶ zo² hou² taai⁶ jyu⁵
It rained heavily last night 

ngo⁵ gok³dak¹ dung³ dung³ dei², zou⁶ hei²san¹ gwaan¹ coeng¹
I was a little bit cold, then I got up and closed my window

晾乾啲遮 @ 茶水間
Long6 gon1 di1 je1 @ cha4 seui2 gaan1
Drying the umbrellas @ pantry 

cyu³ yi³ on¹ jyun⁴
pay attention to keep safe / harap berhati-hati

Baca Juga :

Future In Cantonese

Describing a Future Action

會(Verb) =  將會(Verb) = Will + Verb

Basical grammar 
wui2zou6Will do
wui2sik6Will eat
wui2dai2Will Watch / Will See

S+ 會+ V+ OMeaning




I will eat noodle



I will watch movie



I will do exercise

Near Future Action

zik1 hak1即刻Instantly , at this moment
zik1 si4即時Immediately , at this time
laap6 zik1立即Immediately 
maa5 soeng6馬上Very very fast
yat1 zan6 kaan1
yat1 zan6
zan6 kaan1
a moment later
lei6 kan2蒞緊Coming "in a short while"
hou2 faai3 zau6好快就Very soon
tang2 yat1 tang2
tang2 zan6
tang2 yat1 zan6
Wait a Minute

Far Future Action

ding1 yat6聽日Tomorrow / Besok
hau6 yat6後日a day after tomorrow / Besok lusa
tai6 hau6 yat6大後日Two days after tomorrow
haa6 sing1 gei4下星期Next week / Minggu depan
haa6 ko3 yut6下個月Next Month

由依家開始 yau4 yi1ka1 hoi1ji2 = from now on / Mulai dari sekarang

Latihan Soal :
Jawablah dikolom komentar
兩個星期後 loeng5 ko3 sing1 gei4 hau6 ❓...........
下年 haa6 nin4 ❓...........
後年 hau6 nin4 ❓...........
十年後 sap6 nin4 hau6 ❓.........
三日後 saam1 yat6 hau6 ❓.........
四日後 sei3 yat6 hau6 ❓.............

Baca Juga :
1. All Cantonese GrammarCome3

Shopping for Clothes 買衫

Kalimat Membeli baju atau pakaian dalam bahasa Cantonese

maai5 saam1
買      衫
Beli Baju / Pakaian

yau5mou5 tak1 si3 aa3 ?
有   無       得   試  呀 ?
Boleh dicoba tidak ?

How To Say YES (Cantonese Test)

Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan ungkapan "YES"。 "Ya"。 "BENAR"
Jawablah kalimat dibawah ini dengan tepat dan tulis jawabanmu di kolom komentar.

  1. lei5 hai6 m4hai6 lou5si1 aa3 ?
    你   係    唔係      老師     呀?

  2. lei5 yau5 mou5 jin2 aa3 ?
    你   有     冇      錢    呀?

  3. lei5 yau5 mou5 sik6 faan6 aa3 ?
    你   有     冇      食    飯      呀?

  4. lei5 sik6 m4sik6 haa1kaau2 aa3 ?
    你   食    唔食    蝦    餃      呀 ?

  5. lei5 maai5 m4maai5 bing4kwo2 aa3 ?
    你   買       唔買        蘋果          呀?

  6. sing1gei4yat6 heoi3 m4heoi3 kung1yun2 aa3 ?
    星期日            去     唔 去      公園        呀?

  7. lei5 sik6 faai3ti1 laa1!
    你   食    快啲     啦!

  8. ngo5 jo5 li1tou6 tak1 m4tak1 aa3?
    我    坐   呢度     得    唔得    呀?

  9. ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2yi5 sik6 syut3ko1 aa3?
    我     可   唔  可以    食   雪糕    呀?

  10. sing1gei4yi6 lei6 tak1 m4tak1haan4 aa3 ?
    星期二         你    得    唔 得閒        呀 ? 

  11. lei5 zung1 m4zung1yi3 hong1kong2 aa3 ?
    你   鐘      唔 鍾意        香港         呀?

  12. lei5 sik1 m4sik1 kong1tung1waa2 aa3 ?
    你   識    唔識    廣東話                 呀?

  13. lei5 yau5mou5 laam4 bang4yau5 aa3 ?
    你   有    冇      男       朋友          呀?

  14. lei5 hai6 m4hai6 tang2kan2 paa1si2 aa3 ?
    你   係    唔係     等緊          巴士     呀?

Do you know how to say “YES” in Cantonese?
1. 係呀 hai6 a3 = Yes?
2. 啱呀 ngaam1 a3 = Yes?
3. 好呀 hou2 a3 = Yes?
4. 得呀 dak1 a3 = Yes? ask for possibility or permission 
5. 知呀 ji1 a3 = Yes?
6. 冇錯 mou5 cho3 = Yes?
7. 以上皆是 Yi5 seung6 gaai1 si6 = All of above?

Baca Juga :

Ways to Say Thank You

Cara mengucapkan terimakasih dalam bahasa kantonis Hongkong

多謝 to¹ ce⁶

to¹ce⁶ adalah ucapan terima kasih karena telah diberi hadiah ataupun berupa :
  • Gifts (hadiah)
  • Compliment (pujian)
  • Advice (nasihat)
  • Money (uang)
  • Blessing's (berkah)
  • Treat (food / drink) (ditraktir)
  • Hospitality (keramahan)
  • Cooperation (kerjasama)
  • Custom / Business 
  • Big help (bantuan besar)
  • etc

唔該 m⁴ koi¹

m⁴ koi¹ secara harfiah artinya adalah tidak seharusnya. Tetapi juga memiliki arti yang lainnya yaitu :

1. Thank / Terima Kasih
  • Help (bantuan)
  • Service (layanan)
  • Borrowed things (dipinjami barang)
  • Friendly reminder (diingatkan)
  • Small favor (bantuan kecil)
  • When you get the change after paying
  • When someone holding the door open for you
  • When you droo something and someone picks it up for you

2. Excuse me / Permisi
  • Getting someone's attention 
  • When someone is in your way and you asking someone to move out of the way

3. Please

Test Your Cantonese

Jawablah contoh soal dibawah ini dengan tepat dan tulis jawabanmu di kolom komentar
  1. hou² ....... lei⁵, lei⁵ can¹hai⁶ hou² yan⁴.
    Terimakasih banyak, kamu orang yang baik.
  2. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  3. ....... ngo⁵ yiu³ to¹ yat¹ wun² faan⁶
    ....... 我要多一碗飯
    Saya ingin semangkuk nasi ekstra
  4. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  5. saang¹ yat⁶ fai³ lok⁶
    Selamat ulang tahun
  6. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  7. lei⁵ mat⁶ sung³ pei² lei⁵ ge⁴
    Hadiah untukmu
  8. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  9. .......lei⁵ fen⁶ lei⁵ mat⁶.
    Terima kasih untuk hadiahnya.
  10. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  11. ....... lei⁵ pong¹sau² hoi¹ tang¹
    ....... 你幫手開燈
    Help turn on the lights
  12. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  13. (.......) saai³ lei⁵ pong¹ ngo⁵ aa³
    (.......) 晒你幫我啊。
    Thank you for helping me
  14. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  15. hou² (.........) nei⁵ sung³ fen⁶ lei⁵ mat⁶ sung³ pei² ngo⁵
    好(.........) 你送份禮物俾我
    Thank you for giving me that present
  16. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  17. hou² (.........) nei⁵ gau³ zo² ngo³ tiu⁴ meng⁶
    好(.........) 你救咗我條命啊
    Thank you for saving my life
  18. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  19. (.......) !  maai⁴ taan¹ aa¹!
    (.......) 埋單吖 !
    I would to pay the bill
  20. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  21. (.......) ni¹ tou⁶ yau⁵ mou⁵ yan⁴ jo⁵ gaa³ ?
    (.......) 呢度有冇人坐㗎?
    In this seat occupied 
  22. a. 多謝 to¹ ce⁶  b. 唔該 m⁴ koi¹

  23. coming soon

How to Response 

唔駛客氣 m4 sai2 haak3 hei3 No need to be polite
Your welcome

The original meaning of “m4 goi1” is “I should not bother you, but I need you to do me a favour...”
There’re 3 usages of “m4 goi1”:
1. Excuse me~

3. Thanks for your help/service/assistance.

唔該 vs. 唔該晒
多謝 vs. 多謝晒
辛苦 vs. 辛苦晒

晒 saai³

meaning: completely, fully, very much. 
食晒 = eat/finish all the food, 
睇晒 = read/finish whole book, or whole series (all episodes);

唔該晒 = thanks a lots,
       thank you very much!

多謝晒 = thanks a lots,
       thank you very much

明白 = understand/understood 
明白晒 = fully understood 
There are 3+ more ways to say thanks in Cantonese:
唔該晒 m4 goi1 saai3 = thanks for your help/service 
多謝晒 do1 je6 saai3 = thanks for your gift, compliment 
有心 yau5 sam1 = thanks for your care
辛苦晒 san1 fu2 saai3 = thanks for your hard work

Measure Word in Supermarket

Cantonese classifers measure word in a chinese supermarket

yat1 hap6 lo6 mai5 ci4
One boxes of mochi
loeng5 hap6 lo6 mai5 ci4
Two boxes of mochi
yat1 paau1 zi2 choi3
One bag of seaweed
hou2 to1 paau1 naai5 dong2
Many bags of milk candy
yat1 zi1 si6 yau4
One bottle of soy sauce
yat1 gyun3 ho2 lok6
One can of coke
yat1 toi6 seoi2 gaau2
One bag of dumplings
一? 番薯
yat1 diu4 faan1 syu2
One sweet potato
一? 番薯
yat1 gau6 faan1 syu2
One dumbass
yat1 pong6 choi3
One pound a vegetable 
yat1 go3 toi2
One bag

House Work (Cantonese Test)

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan tepat dan tulis jawabanmu di kolom komentar

  1. lei kiu me meng ? ..... 你叫咩名?.....

  2. I do Laundry. ngo ..... sam (我...衫)
    A. 抹 maatC. 洗 sai
    B. 著 zoekD. 燙 dong

  3. I ..... the oven.
    ngo ..... ko kuk lou (我...個焗)
    A. 揼 tamC. 清潔 jing kit
    B. 坐 joD. 吸塵 kap jan

  4. I ..... the carpet.
    ngo hai tei zin ..... (我喺地氈...)
    A. 抹 maatC. 瞓覺 fen kau
    B. 坐 joD. 吸塵 kap jan

  5. I ..... the window.
    ngo ..... joeng (我...窗)
    A. 抹 maatC. 洗 sai
    B. 揼 tamD. 煮 zyu

Happy Words (Cantonese Test)

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan tepat dan tulis jawabanmu di kolom komentar

  1. Apa yang membuatmu senang ?
    Mat ye ling lei .......ne ? (乜嘢令你...呢) 
    A. 鍾意 cung yi C. 開心 hoi sam
    B. 唔開心 m hoi sam D. 正 zeng

  2. Tempat ini luar biasa.
    liko tei fong hou ..... a (呢個地貨方好...呀)
    A. 鍾意 cung yi C. 邋遢  laat daat
    B. 乾淨 kon ceng D. 正 zeng

  3. I don’t like to get up early.
    ngo ..... kam cou heisan 。我...咁早起身。
    A. 鍾意 cung yi C. 開心 hoi sam
    B. 唔鍾意 m cung yi D. 愛 ngoi

  4. Dia sangat lucu, dia seharusnya menjadi komedian.
    goi hou .....,zeoi aam heoi zou hei kek (佢好...,最啱去做喜劇)
    A. 垃圾 laap sap C. 搞笑 kaau siu
    B. 叻 lek D. 靚仔 leng cai

  5. Cuacanya sangat indah hari ini, jadi saya sangat senang.
    kamyat dinhei hou .....,soyi ngo hou hoisam (今日天氣好..., 所以我好開心)
    A. 靚 lengC. 熱 yit
    B. 凍 tung D. 正 zeng

  6. laughing can lift your spirit. 
    ..... ha sam jing tou wui hou ti (...下心情都會好啲)
    A. 瞓覺 fen kau C. 開心 hoi sam
    B. 笑 siu D. 正 zeng

  7. Penampilan Anda terlihat energik.
    lei dai lok hou ..... wo! 你睇落好...喎!
    A. 精神 zing sanC. 開心 hoi sam
    B. 唔開心 m hoi sam D. 靚 leng

  8. Saya suka tersenyum.
    ngo ... siu。我.....笑
    A. 鍾意 cung yi C. 唔想 m soeng
    B. 唔鍾意 m cung yi D. 講 kong

  9. Saya sangat ..... dengan hotel ini.
    ngo teoi likan cautim fei soeng mun yi (我對呢間酒店非常...)
    A. 鍾意 cung yi C. 開心 hoi sam
    B. 興奮 hing fenD. 滿意 mun yi

  10. Saya merasa santai/relax ketika saya dekat laut.
    hoi dou hoi pin ko yan zikgaak ..... saai (去倒海邊個人即刻...晒)
    A. 鍾意 cung yi C. 開心 hoi sam
    B. 舒服 syu1 fuk6 D. 放鬆 fong sung

Driving in Cantonese

Istilah Mengemudi

Traffic Jam交通堵塞gaau1 tung1 dou2 sak1

yau4 zaam6油站Gas Station

Part of Cars

Automatic Transmission自動波
zi6 dung6 bo1
Manual Transmission 棍波
gwan3 bo1
Rearview Mirror倒後鏡dou3 hau6 geng3

Road Sign

je1 dou6車道Lane
ciu1 cuk1超速Speeding
je cuk haan6 zai3車速限制
Speed Limit

爆胎 baau3 toi1 puncture交通 (n) gaau1 tung1 traffic迴旋處 wui4 syun4 cyu3 roundabout停車 ting4 ce1 stop讓行 joeng6 hang4 yield 信號燈 seon3 hou6 dang1 blinker高速公路 gou1 cuk1 gung1 lou6 expressway駕駛執照 gaa3 sai2 zap1 ziu3 driver's license 紅綠燈 (n) hung4 luk6 dang1 traffic light 停車場 (n) ting4 ce1 coeng4 parking lot交叉口 (n) gaau1 caa1 hau2 junction道路交通標誌 dou6 lou6 gaau1 tung1 biu1 zi3 road sign 免費停車場 min5 fai3 ting4 ce1 coeng4 free parking引擎 (n) jan5 king4 engine剎車掣 (n) saat3 ce1 zai3 brake 收費 (n) sau1 fai3 toll駕駛考試 gaa3 sai2 haau2 si3 driving test 

Baca Juga :

Roasted Meat Dish (燒味飯)

Roasted Meat Dish 燒味飯 siu1 mei6 faan6
jaa1 siu1叉燒Barbecued Pork
siu1 yuk6燒肉Roasted Pork
yu5 cyu1乳豬Roasted Porkling
si6 yau4 kai1豉油雞Chicken with soy sauce
paak1 cit3 kai白切雞Chicken
siu1 ngap3燒鴨Roasted duck
siu1 ngo4燒鵝Roasted Goose


choi3 sam1菜心Chinese cabbage


紅腸 hung4 coeng2 (red sausage)

jaa¹ siu¹siu² ngap³
siu¹ yuk⁶

How to Order

  • zou²san⁴, m⁴koi¹, ngo⁵ yiu¹ sam¹ ko³ jaa¹siu¹faan⁶.
    Selamat pagi, Permisi, saya ingin 3 daging babi panggang dengan nasi.

  • yiu¹ ko³ kai¹ ngap³ faan⁶, m⁴koi¹
    Saya mau 1 nasi ayam dengan bebek

  • loeng⁵ ko³ siu¹ ngap³ faan⁶, m⁴koi¹.
    Dua bebek panggang dengan nasi

  • m⁴koi¹, lei⁵tei⁶ yau⁵ mou⁵ siu¹ngo² ?
    Permisi, apakah Anda memiliki angsa panggang ?

  • ngo⁵tei⁶ kam¹yat⁶ mou⁵ siu¹ngo²
    Kami tidak punya angsa panggang hari ini

  • ling¹ cau², m⁴koi¹
    Bawa pergi (bungkus)

  • Coming soon

Baca Juga :
1. Minuman Kulkas6. Aneka Sayuran
2. Makanan Hongkong7. 
3. 8. 
4. 9. 
5. 10.

Hong Kong Street Food

Delicious Hongkong Street Food 香港食物
mong1 kwo2 pou3 din6芒果布甸Mango Pudding
tau6 fu6 faa1豆腐花Tofu Pudding

Camilan di Hong Kong Snack
kai1 taan2 zai2 雞蛋仔Hong Kong egg waffle
joeng4 fen2 腸粉Rice noodle roll
yu4 taan6*2 魚蛋Fish ball
put3 zai2 kou1缽仔糕Rice cup pudding
jaau2 leot6 zi2 炒栗子Stir-fry Chestnut 
jau3 tau6 fu6 臭豆腐Stinky Tofu
zin yeong saam pou煎釀三寶Fried stuffed three treasures
jau3 tau6 fu6 臭豆腐Stinky Tofu
siu1 maai6燒賣Pork dumpling 

Dim Sum 點心

haa1 kaau2蝦餃Dumpling with shrimp

Hong Kong Steam Bun 香港蒸包
叉燒包 jaa1 siu1 paau1 barbecue pork bun
燕窩 yin3 wo1 swallow bird's nest

hung4 tau6 ping1紅豆冰Red bean ice
ning4 mung1 jha4檸檬茶Lemon tea
naai5 jha4奶茶Milk tea
zan1 zyu1 naai jha珍珠奶茶Bubble milk tea
hung4 tau6 ping1紅豆冰Red bean ice

sai1 to1 si6*2西多士French Toast 
paak6 dong4 kou1白糖糕White sugar sponge cake 
lung4 sou1 dong4龍鬚糖Dragon Whisker Candy
gaak2 zai2 peng2格仔餅Waffle
taan6 daat3蛋撻Egg custard tart 
po1 lo4 paau1菠蘿包Pineapple bun

Baca Juga :

Pujian dalam bahasa Cantonese

Compliment you always want to hear in Cantonese


lei5 hou2 leng3
You`re handsome
lei5 hou2 leng3 zai2
You`re pretty
lei5 hou2 leng3 leoi5
You`re smart
lei5 hou2 lek1

lei hai yat ko hou hou ge bangyau
You`re an awesome friend
lei ge lei5 lek6 hou jeot1 sik1
You`re resume is impressive 

Baca Juga :

Particle 打 da2

打電話 = dial a phone
打機 🎮 = playing TV/online game
打邊爐 = having hot pot
打字 = typing 
打針 = injection 💉
打劫 = robbing 
打包 = take away (food)
打印 = printing
打招呼 = greetings 
打工 = to work an employer
打破 = to break 
打擾 = to disturb 
打扮 = to dress up
打橫 = to make it horizontally 
打掃 🧹 = to clean up
打乞嗤 = to sneeze 🤧 
打算 = to plan
打理 = to take care business
打拳 = boxing 🥊 
打氣 = to cheer up
打敗 = to beat someone 
打擊 👊🏻 = to attack
打開 = to open up
打波 = to play ball game
打卡 = to mark your location 


restaurant餐廳jhaan deng

chef廚師jyu si
tamu客人haak yan
menu餐牌jhaan baai
tip貼士tip si
take away帶走tai cau/ ling cau

loi min
lam min
washroom洗手間sai sau kaan

ta2 paau1打包Bring leftover home
ling1 cau2拎走For go
hai2 tou6 sik5喺度食For here

Special Request

hong³ tai²烘底Toasted
kaa¹ tai²加底More rice or noodles

How to Order Food

jyu⁴ taan² mai⁵ sin³, cau² jung¹
Fish ball noodle, no green onion

tung³ naai⁵ jaa⁴ , siu² dim⁴ , siu² ping¹
Iced milk tea , less sweet , less ice.

tung³ ling² jaa⁴ , zau² dim⁴ , zau² ping¹
Iced lemon tea, no sweet, no ice.

yiu³ to¹ yat¹ ko³
Saya ingin satu lagi

ngo siong hoi yam jha
Saya ingin pergi yam jha 
kei to wai a ?
How many people ?
em koi (liong) wai
a table for (two), please
yau mat ye hou kai siu a ?
Can you recommend any dishes?
ngo siong kiu .... dong mai ....
I'd like to order ... and ...
em koi lok ja pei ngo
Can you please bring me (a fork)?
jut kaai sik faan

Dine Out
haan1 jin2 taai3 faan4

Saving money bring own lunch
emkoi mai taan
bill, please!

你有乜嘢甜品呀 ?
lei yau mat ye dim4 pan2 aa
Which desserts do you have
yau pou3 din1 dong beng kwo pai
We have pudding and apple pie
m... ngo zing hai yiu pui kafe, m koi
Hmm... Actually, I just want a coffee, please
要唔要糖同奶 ?
yiu m yiu dhong4 dong4 naai5
Do you want sugar and milk
yiu naai5 aa, m4 koi1
Please bring it with milk
paai4 deui2 paai4 cheung4 lung4
to line up in a long queue
gei1 wui6 lei4 la3 yau5 wai2 la5
Chance is coming, you'll get the seats
食咩呀? 常餐紅湯
sik6 me1 a3? seung4 chaan1, hung4 tong
what to eat ? usual set RU soup
 yam2 me1 a3 ? dung3 ling2 cha4, siu2 tim4
what to drink ? iced tea, less sweet

Keito Yan ? 3 ko
Yiu mea ?
Sek mea ? Wanton min
Yam mea ? Yam kafe

Kem Loi : Lama Sekali
Kem Fai : Cepat sekali

San sin : baru

emkoi pong ngo ta paau a
excuse me, please help me to pack (bring home)

Baca Juga :
1. Perlengkapan Dapur  3. Nama dan Jenis Sayuran
2. Nama Ikan dan Seafood   4. Nama Buah - Buahan