Aneka Minuman

Beverages in Cantonese

Beer啤酒pe1 cau2
Chocolate朱古力cyu1 ku2 lik6
Coffee咖啡kaa3 fe1
Juicekwo2 cap1
Milk奶牛ngaau4 naai4
Soy milk豆漿tau ceong
Wine紅酒hung4 cau2
wai1 si6 kei2

Beverages Condition
yitJika ingin minuman panas
tungJika ingin minuman dingin
pingJika ingin es balok / ice cube


Milk牛奶ngau⁴ naai⁵
Milkshake 奶昔naai⁵ sik¹
Soya Milk豆奶tau⁶ naai⁵
Malt Extract
mak⁶ zing¹ tau⁶  naai⁵
Vitasoy維他奶wai⁴ daa¹ naai⁵

Kind of Teas in Hong Kong
Black tea
- Pu'er tea 
- Pu'er and camomile


pou lei jha
kuk pou
Camomile tea
kuk fa jha
Fennel tea
wui heong jha
Ginger tea
keong jha
Green tea綠茶luk jha
Tea with Milk奶茶laai jha
Tea leaves茶葉jha yip

Aneka Juice

Jus buah果汁kwo² cap¹
Jus Jeruk橙汁Jaang⁴ cap¹
Jus Lemon檸檬汁le mong cap¹
Jus Apel蘋果汁beng⁴ kwo² cap¹

Soft Drinks

Soda汽水hei3 seoi2
Coca - Cola可樂ho2 lok6
Fanta芬達fen taat
7 up七喜jat hei
Ovaltine阿華田o wa tin
Spite雪碧syu pit
yi lek to

How to order drink

cou² san⁴ , yiu³ ti¹ me¹ aa³ ?
Selamat pagi, apa yang kamu inginkan ?

ngo⁵ soeng² yiu³ yat¹ pui¹ can¹ cyu¹ laai⁵ jaa⁴
Saya ingin satu gelas bubble tea

cung⁶ yau⁵ mou⁴ gei⁴ da¹ ?
Ada yang lain ?

tung³ ling⁴ jaa⁴ siu² dim⁴
Es lemon tea sedikit gula

yiu³ pui¹ yit⁶ naai⁵ jaa⁴
mau segelas teh susu panas

hai⁶ kam³ to¹ sin¹ laa¹, m⁴ koi¹
Itu saja dulu, terima kasih

Baca Juga :
1. Aneka Minuman6.
2. Aneka Hongkong Food7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

NB: Bagi kakak" senior jangan lupa ditambahkan ya, SHARE dan tinggalkan COMMENT. "Semoga bermanfaat untuk generasi mendatang" 

Ice = syut 雪
Ice cream = syut kou 雪糕
Haagen-Dasz ; ha gen dat si 哈根達斯
Sundae ; San te 新
Sari tebu = ce soi 蔗水
Es kacang merah = hung tau ping 紅荳冰

Vitasoy ;
Yin yong

Hongkong Bank

cung kwok nganhong
Bank of China (BOC)
wui fung nganhong
hang sang nganhong
Hang Seng Bank
a cau lyun hap choi mou
UA Finance
cung kwok kin jhit nganhong
China Construction Bank

Useful Vocabulary You Need at the Bank
ngan4 hong4銀行bank
jin2money; uang
tai4 fun2 kaat1提款卡ATM card
git3 jyu4結餘balance
zoeng3 wu6賬戶bank account
yin6 kam1現金cash
yin6 kam1 jyun4 fun2現金cash deposit
tai4 fun2提款cash withdrawal
zaai3 mou6債務debt
seon1 man6 cyu3詢問處information desk
taai3 fun2貸款loan
fo3 bai6 deoi3 wun6貨幣兌換money exchange
cau2numbered ticket
wai6 fun2匯款remittance
waan4 fun2還款repayment
gaap3 maan6夾萬safe
fuk6 mou6 fai3服務費service charge
ngan4 hong4 gwai6 toi2銀行櫃檯teller window
ce3 jin2借錢to borrow money
zyun3 zoeng3轉帳transfer

zi6 dung6 gwai6 jyun4 gei1自動櫃員機ATM
gei1 bun2 ngan4 hong4 wu6 hau2基本銀行戶口basic bank account
go3 jan4 san1 fan2 zing3個人身份證personal ID
ngan4 hong4 zoeng3 hou6銀行帳號bank account number
ngan4 hong4 zik1 jyun4銀行職員bank staff

Hutang 借錢 ce jhin
Uang ; 錢 jhin
wui 匯 ; remittance 
wui jhin 匯錢 ; kirim uang
yap jhin 入錢 ; topup / masukkan uang

Where .... ?喺邊度 ... hai pin tou
 - the ATM自動提款機 ji tung dai fun kei
 - the bank銀行 ngan hong
 - the Currency貨幣兌換處 fo bai wun chyu
when does the bank open/close銀行幾時開門/閂門 nganhong keisi hoimun / sanmun
I'd like to change dollars/pounds into hongkong dollars我想將美金/英鎊換成港紙 ngo seong jeung mei gam/ying pong wun sing kong ji
I'd like to cash traveler's checks我想將旅行支票換成現金 ngo seung jeung loihang ji biu wun sing yin gam

At the Bank
I'd like to change money/get a cash advance我想換錢/預支現金 ngo seung wun jhin/ yuh ji yin kam
What's the exchange rate/fee ?外幣兌換率/費係幾多?  
ngo bai teui wun leut/fai hai keito
I think there's a mistake我覺得錯咗 ngo ko tak cho jo
i lost a traveler's check (cheques)我唔見咗旅行支票 ngo em kin co loihang ci biu
My credit card ... 我嘅信用卡 ngo ke seun yung kaat ...
was lost唔見咗 m kin co
was stolen畀人偷咗 pei yan dau co
doesn't work唔用得 em yung tak
the ATM ate my card自動取款機食咗我嘅信用卡
ji tung dai fun kei sek co ngo ke seun yung kaat

插入信用卡 chaap yap seun yung kaatInsert card here
取消 cheui siuCancel
清除 ching cheuiClear
進入 jeun yapEnter
密碼 mat maPIN
取款 cheui funwithdrawal
cung ci biu wu hau cheui jhin
from checking (current) account
cung chyu chuk wu hau cheui jhin
from saving account
收據 sau geuireceipt

Baca Juga :
1. Money In Cantonese6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

NB: Bagi kakak" senior jangan lupa ditambahkan ya, SHARE dan tinggalkan COMMENT. "Semoga bermanfaat untuk generasi mendatang"

Tones in Cantonese

There are 6 different tones in Cantonese. To be understood in Cantonese, it is essential that you master the six tones. If you use the wrong tone, you are probably saying a completely different word.
TonesPitchExample 1Example 2
2Mid - Rising9hou2
3Mid Level4
6Low Level6

Nine Tone in Cantonese
TonesExample 1Example 2
1三 saam1三 saam1
2碗 wun2九 gau2
3半 bun3四 sei3
4牛 ngau4零 leng4
5腩 naam5五 ng5
6麵 min6二 yi6
7一 jat7七 cat7
8百 baak8八 baak8
9碟 dip9六 luk9

Waktu / Jam

  • How to tell time in Cantonese
soeng⁶ cau³上晝AM
haa⁶ cau³下晝PM
pun³half past
pun³ ko³ cung¹ 半個鐘half an hour
cung¹ dau⁴鐘頭hour
fen¹ cung¹分鐘minute
ko³ ci⁶個字kelipatan 5 menit
taap⁶step of number
miu⁵seconds; detik

 example :
9:30kau tim pun
5:03em tim leng sam fen
4:10se tim sap fen
6:45lok tim se sap em fen
01.00yat tim cung
02.07liong tim jat fencung
04.30 se tim pun/ se tim sam sap fencung
05.45em tim kau koci/ em tim se sap em fencung
06.10lok tim sap fencung/ lok tim yi/ lok tim liong koci
07.50jat tim em sap fencung/ jat tim tap sap

sam tim sap em fen
sam si sap em fen
sam tim sam koci
sam tim taap sam
sam tim sam
sam tim yat ko kwat

seung ng
seung cau
ciu cou
ciu dau cou
haa cau
haa ng
ngaan cau
ye maan
maan hak
night / Malam
ling san
pun ye
Tengah malam
PreviousComing SoonNext

Contoh :

而家幾點 ?
yi⁴ ka¹ kei² tim² ?
What time is it ?

你知唔知幾點呀 ?
lei⁵ zi¹ m⁴ zi¹ kei² tim² aa³ ?
Do you know the time ?

m⁴hou²yi³si¹ ,kam¹yat⁶ ngo⁵ m⁴ kei³tak¹ taai3 biu¹
I'm sorry, I forgot my watch today

fo²je¹ em⁵ fen¹cung¹ hau⁶ zau⁶ lei⁴ laa³
The train is coming in five minutes.

  1. kamyat ngo soeng dung taika fan hoeng ha today, i'd like to share with everyone
  2. ngo yat soeng ge sang wut cing zeoi My daily routine
  3. ngo taai yeok jat tim cung hei san i get up at about 7:00 am
  4. cihau ngo heoi jung loeng jaat ngaa dungmai sik cou jaan then i go shower
  5. pak tim cung ngo lei⁴ hoi uk gei at 8.00 i leave home
  6. pak tim pun soeng dong at 8.30 am, i go to class
  7. cung¹ ng⁵ sik⁶ ngaan² At noon i eat lunch
  8. saam tim pun fong hok 3.30 pm, i get off school
  9. fonghok cihau after getting off school ngo dung dong hok yat jai cou kungfo i do homework with my classmate
  10. ng tim pun ngo fan ukgei at 5.30 pm i return home
  11. luk tim pun ngo dong ukgeiyan yat jai sik fan
  12. sik yun fan cihau after eating dinner ngotei yatjai dai hei wace deng yam ngok
  13. yausi ngotei wui zuk kei something we play go wace waan yau hei kei or play video game
  14. kau tim pun ngo hoiji zeon bei heoi fen kau at 9.30 pm i start getting ready to sleep 
  15. sap tim cung ngo soeng cong fenkau i get into bed and sleep

  16. 下晝三點之前嚟呢度
    haa⁶cau³ saam¹ tim² ci¹jin⁴ lei⁴ li¹tou⁶
    Datang ke sini sebelum jam 3.00 sore

  17. 下晝三點之後嚟呢度
    haa⁶cau³ saam¹ tim² ci¹hau⁶ lei⁴ li¹tou⁶
    Datang ke sini setelah jam 3.00 sore

Today we are going to introduce commonly used words that are used to different time periods of a day. 

【Sunrise to noon / Morning】: ziu1 (tau4) zou2 朝(頭)早 / soeng6 zau3 上晝
【Noon】: zung1 ng5 中午 / zing3 ng5 正午
【Noon to sunset / Afternoon】: haa6 zau3 下晝 / aan3 zau3 晏晝
【Approaching sunset】: aai1 maan1 挨晚 / wong4 fan1 黃昏
【Sunset to midnight / Evening】: je6 maan5 夜晚 
【In the middle of the night】: bun3 je2 半夜
【Midnight to sunrise】: ling4 san4 凌晨

Please note that although the above definitions are widely adopted, they are not absolute. For example, what time "aai1 maan1" starts may depend on season and personal perception. And "bun3 je2" and "ling4 san4" are often used interchangeably. 

Below are some example usages of the time words: 

1. ngo5 zung1 ji3 ziu1 zou2 heoi3 saan3 bou6.
 (I) (like)  (morning) (go) (have a walk)
 I like to go for a walk in the morning.

2. ngo5 dei6 aan3 zau3 gei2 dim2 hoi1 wui2 aa3?
 (We)    (afternoon)  (what time)(have meeting)(PARTICLE)
 What time do we have the meeting in the afternoon?

3. Keoi5 sing4 jat6 bun3 je2 daa2 din6 waa2 bei2 ngo5.  
 (S/he)(always)(in the middle of the night)(dial phone)(to)(me)
 S/he always phones me in the middle of the night.

Baca Juga :
1. Hari Bulan Tahun 6. Angka 
2. Cara Bertanya7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

NB: Bagi kakak" senior jangan lupa ditambahkan ya, SHARE dan tinggalkan COMMENT. "Semoga bermanfaat untuk generasi mendatang"

Common Greetings in Cantonese

Beragam Ucapan di berbagai perayaan dalam bahasa Cantonese
  • on Christmas
sing3 taan3 faai3 lok6
Merry Chrismas

  • on Someone's Birthday
saang1 yat6 faai3 lok6
Happy Birthday
zuk1 nei5 saang1 yat6 faai3 lok6
Happy Birthday to you

  • on the New Year's Eve
san1 nin4 faai3 lok6
Happy New Year

  • on Valentine's Day
cing4 yan4 zit3 faai3 lok6
Happy Valentine's Day

  • on Easter
fuk6 wut6 zit3 faai3 lok6
Happy Easter

  • on Father's Day
fu6 can1 zit3 faai3 lok6
Happy Father's Day

  • on Mother's Day
mou5 can1 zit3 faai3 lok6
Happy Mother's Day

  • on Children's Day
ji4 tung4 zit3 faai3 lok6
Happy Children's Day

  • on Mid-Autumn Festival
cung1 cau1 zit3 faai3 lok6
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

  • on Lunar New Year
kung1 hei2 faat3 choi4
May prosperity be with you
san1 dai2 kin6 hong1
May you be healthy
sam1 soeng2 si6 sing4
May all your wishes come true
taai6 gat1 taai6 lei6
May good fortune be with you
faai3 gou1 zoeng2 taai6
May you grow up fast and strong
hok6 yip6 zeon3 pou6
May you excel in your study
maan6 si6 jyu4 ji3
May everything go as you wish
si6 si6 jyu4 ji3
May everything go as you wish
cing1 ceon1 soeng4 zyu3
May your young always be with you
lung4 maa5 cing1 san4
May you be as energetic as dragons and horses
kaa1 fei3 nguk1 jeon6
May your home be filled with prosperity and wealth
hap6 kaa1 ping4 ngon1
May your whole family be safe and sound

Baca Juga :
1. Ucapan Tahun Baru 6. Imlek di Hong Kong
2. Ucapan Natal dan Tahun Baru7. Kata Umpatan
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

NB: Bagi kakak" senior jangan lupa ditambahkan ya, SHARE dan tinggalkan COMMENT. "Semoga bermanfaat untuk generasi mendatang"