Makanan Hongkong

Hong Kong Food

laap6 mei6 pou1 cai2 faan6
is kind of rice with Chinese sausages and other meat and some vegetables steamed in a kind of pot made of tile.

taan6 taat1
is a dessert in Hong Kong which is a kind of egg tart. The crispy tart with sweet and hot egg custard is quite different from the tarts in western countries.

cin1 deoi1 
is made of glutinous rice flour. Some of them are filled with lotus paste or black bean paste  and the a lot of sesame seeds are added outside the rice ball to make it crisp.

kaa3 lei1 lo4 paak6 yu4 taan2. 
This is a very common main snack in Hong Kong. White carrots are added to absorb the curry sauce, which gives a really strong and rich taste.

sau6 paau1.
Chinese Birthday Buns
The breads are made from wheat flour filled with lotus paste 蓮蓉 lin4 jung4.

yu4 taan2 ho2
The fish balls are made from mince fish and are sometimes deep-fried. Besides fish balls, you can also choose dumplings, beef tenderloin, deep-fried fish skin etc. with noodles.

燒味飯  siu1 mei2 faan6

叉燒 jaa1 siu1 (barbecued pork)
燒肉 siu1 yuk6 (roasted pork)
乳豬 yu5 cyu1 (roasted porkling)
豉油雞 si6 yau4 kai1 (chicken with soy sauce)
白切雞 paak1 cit3 kai1 (chicken)
燒鴨 siu1 ngap3 (roasted duck)
燒鵝 siu1 ngo4 (roasted goose)
紅腸 hung4 coeng2 (red sausage)       

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