Good Dog

aganting yat meng lam ji yau syu seung to tei, sauseung fanmai, takacungdik kaukau kin jong lapjik chungjutloi sauwu jyuyan, (poujyu) jyuyan tanghau kauwuyanyun, chyungpou emhang leihoi.

于謝(Jesus Hueche)早前爬上家門外約1.8米高的樹上修剪樹枝,卻不慎從樹上墮下,頭部著地一度不省人事,所幸鄰居見狀電召救護車。



英國 《獨立報》

A man in Argentina fell from the tree, Injured coma, His dog saw the dog immediately rushed out to guard the owner, "clinging to" the owner waiting for ambulance personnel, unable to leave.